
donderdag 17 november 2016

In trying there is no failure...

Everyone always tells me I am such a strong person...
Strong for choosing my own path a few years ago
Strong for travelling to Kenya alone
Strong for not giving up on my sister
Strong for choosing a religion which is under controversy
Strong for standing up for myself and others
Strong for always being there for people
Strong for opening my house and my heart
Strong for leaving...

Maybe I am strong for trying....because in trying there is no failure...

In the last year I met so much amazing people that did not have a choice but to leave home. I learned so much about their lives, families, culture and some really touched my heart and will stay with me forever. These are the strong people, the people that came here with nothing, didn't know what the future will bring, but not have possibility to go back. I see them struggle and work hard for a new life and a good future here. That is what being strong is to me.
In the last few years I have been through a lot of highs and lows, more highs then lows luckily. But I know how to get up quickly when I am down and that's why people always see me as strong. I learned throughout life and especially from the kids/people in Kenya and the refugees in Holland that staying down is never an option. I go through life choosing not to let small things get to me, I choose to enjoy what and who I have in my life. You have take the good things and be thankful. Feel blessed with what you have. Your path is written for you and you make the choice to follow it!

I am going home to Africa, but my heart will stay here...

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